Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Talladega fun

Jonathan and I had a friend from college and his wife come to stay with us this past weekend. They came for the Talladega Super Speedway spring NASCAR race.
I wasn't looking forward to going, but I really had a great time! We got to see some great action and it really was a fun experience despite having black seats (really heats up your buttercup!) and being squished like sardines in the hot stands.

Stroller Dayz

My friend Tommy took these pictures of Benjamin when we went to the Alabama Veterans Memorial and shopping at the Summit. Love those feet in the air.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mad Libs "Superstitions"

Thanks to Laura for her answers!


When I was a kid 12 years ago, we used to believe in superstitions like it's bad luck to open a rug in the house, and if your candy itches, it means a flower is coming to visit, and you'll have yellow luck if you find a four-leaf-bus. And we believed that if you spilled pizza at the table, you had to throw some over your left truck, and if your pretty toe hurt, it meant rain, and if you broke a car you would have seven years of bad ducks. Today kids have different superstitions such as, it's bad luck to jump on the railroad tracks just before a nail pulls in, and don't throw rocks at policemen. But, actually, there's only one superstition I believe in. Whenever I comment on my health, I always remember to knock on a piece of envelope.

Hope you had fun!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mad Lib Fun

Did y'all ever do those mad lib things where you fill in the words of a story without knowing what the story is? It's good for a laugh!
Give me the blanks:

A number:
A food:
Plural noun:
Plural noun:

I'll post the story if I get any comments. If I don't, then I guess I'll fill it in myself and have a good laugh to myself, haha.

My little lima bean

Went to the Dr. yesterday for our new little one. We got a great report. I measured 6 weeks 4 days and my due date is December 4th. We got to see the heart beat too! Here are our first pictures, you can't see much, but we are so happy!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Webcam Fun

B got to talk to his Grandma on the webcam and what fun he had!